
麻花视频 School of Brno
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4.8 from 11 reviews

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About 麻花视频 School of Brno

麻花视频 School of Brno aims to provide all kindergarten to Year 13 students from all over the world with the necessary tools to become committed, lifelong learners and responsible, engaged citizens of the world.

Small class sizes ensure that each student has a voice while our comprehensive and engaging curriculum ensures that all students are able to create their own path towards achieving their own personal and academic goals.

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11 Reviews of 麻花视频 School of Brno

Average Ratings

Overall 4.83
Facilities 4.67
Academics 4.83
Teachers 4.83
Sports 4.33
Music & Arts 4.83
Science & Tech 3.83

Reviewer Nationalities

Czech (2) South African (1) Ukrainian (1) Japanese (1) Spanish (1)

How would you rate 麻花视频 School of Brno?

Svitlana , 18/08/2024 @ 13:34:52
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

The best teachers and the best approach to children!

Joey, 15/08/2024 @ 08:05:43
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Certainly! Here's a shorter version: Our family has been part of the 麻花视频 School of Brno (ISB) for several years, and we couldn't be happier. My daughter, who started at age 3, has thrived in the nurturing environment provided by the dedicated teachers. The 麻花视频 Baccalaureate (IB) program is exceptional, fostering critical thinking, a love of learning, and a global perspective that prepares children for the future. We appreciate how ISB emphasizes not just academics, but also personal growth, compassion, and cultural understanding. We are excited for our son to join soon and experience the same wonderful benefits.

Veronika Kab谩tov谩 , 23/07/2024 @ 11:31:50
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Na拧e d臎ti nav拧t臎vuj铆 拧kolku a zat铆m jsme velmi spokojeni. Prostory 拧kolky jsou velk茅 a dob艡e vybaven茅, obzvl谩拧钮 pozitivn臎 hodnot铆me u膷itele a pomocn媒 person谩l. Nejv臎t拧铆 p艡铆nos 拧kolky je samoz艡ejm臎 angli膷tina, kter谩 je u d臎t铆 u啪 po roce 拧kolky na p艡ekvapiv臎 dobr茅 煤rovni.

Daniel Salido, 19/07/2024 @ 07:02:11
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

It is a school still growing with a lot of potential and it will be even better in the near future. Very nice environment for kids. Together with teachers and parents it is like a big family.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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, 4 months ago

Very great school. I鈥檓 so sad to live

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, 5 months ago

Excellent international school for anyone who wants to grow up in their professional lives

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, a year ago

One of only 500 CIS accredited international schools in the world.

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, 5 months ago

Syn nastoupil na tuto 拧kolu p艡ed 4 lety, a dnes jsem velice r谩da, 啪e jsme tento krok ud臎lali. ISOB vede studenty k samostatnosti a pe膷livosti a IB program je p艡iprav铆 pro mo啪n茅 budouc铆 studium na sv臎tov媒ch univerzit谩ch- syn je nyn铆 p艡edb臎啪n臎 p艡ijat na 3 univerzity v Anglii a jednu v Kanad臎. Na 拧kole vl谩dne velmi p艡谩telsk谩 a vst艡铆cn谩 atmosf茅ra. Pokud p艡em媒拧l铆te nad touto 拧kolou, nemus铆te 膷ekat na dny otev艡en媒ch dve艡铆 a domluvte si sch暖zku kdykoliv, va拧e d臎ti to jist臎 ocen铆.

Google logoRating: 

, 9 months ago

V媒born谩 拧kola na 煤rovni.

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