Richmond 麻花视频 School Reviews (15)
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How would you rate Richmond 麻花视频 School?
Management is awful, they only care about the money and consistently lie to prospective parents in order to bring them in. Many broken promises regarding basic amenities. Teachers are a hit or miss, some are passionate about their jobs whereas others simply cannot teach which is noticeable in grades which the school does not publish for a reason. They brought in their own daughter for the school inspection (she had not attended the school for the whole year, and was actually attending another international school), in order to get a good review and make sure other students could not express their own views about improvements/concerns. Huge turnover of teachers, poor facilities (the playground is an old concrete car park with no shade and the only place to sit is on the floor in 30 degree heat). Many teachers ignore horrific behaviour from students (racism & misogyny in particular). No proper evidence that the school is actually accredited by NAABS (check their website). Management (the owners) claims there is not enough money for basic necessities yet take their children to balls in Monaco & Switzerland, and buy them all expensive cars? Much of content is not covered for official exams, leaving students unprepared and let down. Many students come for a few months to a year and end up leaving and attending other schools in the area once they realise how terribly managed it is! Overall a terrible school (with a few good teachers), much better off not wasting any time or money here as it only goes into the pockets of the owners and not towards yours child's education.
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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, 3 years ago
My experience is good. I have two kids in the school and I am very happy. Many parents, from what I have heard thought it was going to be a more elitist school. But it is not. Kids learn, they are happy, above uk level of Maths, and a caring and committed team. I would prefer no uniform, but the school is what I dreamt of for my kids
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, 5 months ago
Un espacio moderno, agradable, con medios t茅cnicos y humanos destacables para la actividad docente. M谩s all谩 del proyecto educativo que considero eficaz y motivador, destacar铆a la atenci贸n personalizada a cada alumno. No est谩 masificado en absoluto, el ratio por clase es bajo y esto repercute en una mayor calidad de aprendizaje. Todo el profesorado, incluso la direcci贸n, conoce perfectamente a cada alumno. Esa cercan铆a y compromiso es dif铆cil de encontrar habitualmente. Hace 5 a帽os que iniciamos el primer contacto con Richmond, con la escolarizaci贸n de mi hija mayor, m谩s alla de alguna imprecisi贸n administrativa o de organizaci贸n y sabiendo que ninguna instituci贸n es perfecta, recomiendo abiertamente que forme parte de la selecci贸n de posibles centros para la educaci贸n de tus hijos. Honestamente, pienso es una buena decisi贸n incluir una visita al centro antes de tomar una decisi贸n.
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, 3 years ago
The promises made by the school differ a lot from reality. Managment is incapable and unorganised. They are simply not qualified to run school. School facilities are still incomplete and due to lack of investment and not enought students, there has been a draw back in education.