
麻花视频 School of Piraeus Reviews (7)

Average Ratings

Overall 2.71
Facilities 2.00
Academics 1.75
Teachers 3.25
Sports 2.50
Music & Arts 2.50
Science & Tech 2.50

Reviewer Nationalities

Greek (3) Cypriot (1)

How would you rate 麻花视频 School of Piraeus?

panagiotis, 20/05/2021 @ 11:04:04
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Intellectual quality that produces deep understanding of concepts, skills and ideas. A supportive classroom environment characterised by positive relationships where learning is expected and supported. Connectedness and significance: learning needs to be meaningful to students and as much as possible anchored to their needs and passions. Engaging with student diversity: the most powerful lever for disadvantaged students.

Reviews from Google

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, 2 years ago

螘尉伪喂蟻蔚蟿喂魏蠈 蟽蠂慰位蔚委慰!

Google logoRating: 

, a year ago

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, 3 weeks ago

螠螘韦螒 螒螤螣 3 围巍螣螡螜螒 危螘 螒违韦螣 韦螣 危围螣螞螘螜螣 螛螒 螚螛螘螞螒 螡螒 螒螡螒桅螘巍惟 韦螚螡 螒螤螒巍螒螖螘螝韦螚 危违螠螤螘巍螜桅螣巍螒 螠螘危螒 危韦螚 螝巍螜危螚 韦螣违 螝螣巍惟螡螣螜螣违 螠螘 螠螣螡螒螖螜螝螣 危螝螣螤螣 韦螣 螝螘巍螖螣危 螝螒螜 韦螜螤螣韦螒 螤螒巍螒螤螒螡惟 . 韦螣 螖螜螖螒螝韦螜螝螣 螤巍螣危惟螤螜螝螣 螘螢螒螜巍螘韦螜螝螣 螝螒韦螒 螘螡螒 螠螘螕螒螞螣 螤螣危螣危韦螣 螒螞螞螒 螚 螖螜螣螜螝螚危螚 螒螤螣螕螣螚韦螘违韦螜螝螚.

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